HPABi News
March 2025
IMEA Circle the State with Song
On Saturday, March 2, twelve of Highland's finest MS choir students joined 170+ other MS students at the IMEA Circle the State with Song Festival at Hebron HS. Together with their clinician Jordan Dollins, they present five selections and one joint song with the Elementary Choir to an audience of over 1000 people. Congrats to the students!
February 2025
State ISSMA Vocal Contest
Another great day at State ISSMA Vocal Solo and Ensemble Contest for Highland. All three MS soloists recieved Gold ratings. The HS had two silver medalist and 28 gold medals with nine of those with distinction and two of those were perfect scores for soloist Mckenzie Markus and the McGee ladies barbershop. Mr. Boban, Jenny Cooper, Lisa Woodruff Hedin and Mr. Markley are all very proud of you!!!! Congrats to everyone!
Photo courtesy of Lisa Rodriguez - CJ Baker - Gold Medal at State ISSMA
February 2025
ISSMA Vocal Solo and Ensemble Contest
It was another great day for Highland School's choral program at ISSMA Solo/Ensemble Contest. HMS walked away with five Silver medals and 21 gold medals with a perfect score for Brooke Vann. HHS performed equally well with 9 Silver Medals and 34 gold medals with four perfect scores for Lily Robinson, Taylor Thompson, Annalyse Miranda and Krista Jacob. HMS will send three soloists to state in two weeks and HHS send 3 ensembles and 25 soloists to State Contest. Congrats to everyone! Cooper, Boban, Lisa and Markley and all very proud of everyone!
Photo courtesy of Lisa Banas Stuart - the 6th Grade Stuart Ensemble
January 2025
Congrats to the cast of Once Upon a Mattress - Highland Theatre Company's Spring Musical Production - presented May 2, 3, and 4th in Monbeck Auditorium. Tickets are available by clicking the link above to Highland Theatre Company!
January 2025
Congrats to the cast of Frozen, Jr.
Cast and crew performed wonderfully for audiences of over 600 for each performance who came out to watch the Middle School production of Frozen, Jr.
December 2024
Service of Lessons and Carols
In December, Varsity Choir and ReMarkables joined forces with the Joyful Noise Choir of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Highland, to present a traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols. Featuring nine bible readings that retell the fall of man and the birth of Christ, each reading was preceded by a choir selection and concluded with carol singing. The service was presented to over 100 guests who joined in the carol singing along with Mr. Markley at the organ and piano.
November 2024
Congrats to the cast of Frozen, Jr.
Auditions were held over Halloween week, and members of Highland Middle School were chosen to present Disney's Frozen, Jr. in January 2025. Please come out and support all of these great students! For ticket info, please visit: Highland Theatre Company
Photo Credit: Lisa Rodriguez
October 2024
Another $1,300 raised for Markley Music Scholarship
Special thanks to the parents and friends who attended the Spaghetti Dinner at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. With the help of the Disney Choir and many church volunteers we served over so many people they were sitting in the church's nursery to eat. And we raised over $1300 with donations! The church will match that amount dollar for dollar!
May 2024
Over $1,000 raised for Markley Music Scholarship
Special thanks to the parents and friends who attended the Pancake Breakfast at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. With the help of ReMarkables, volunteers and Tommy B and Cameron S, we served over 60 people and raised over $1000 with donations! The church will match that amount dollar for dollar! Off to a great start for next year!
Photo credit to Sherry Gorsich!
May 2024
Congratulations to Cameron Stewart
Thanks to Chooch's family, Cameron is the winner of the $100 for 100 Years of Disney Gift Card. One of his family's playbills was drawn at random and they successfully found all of the hidden Mickey's making Cam the winner! Better still, he can use it in the parks on the Band and Choirs trip this fall!
May 2024
Let Your Freak Flag Fly! Shrek the Musical
Congratulations to the cast and crew of HTC's Spring Production, Shrek the Musical. Over 1200 people came out to see the performances the weekend of May 3-5th. With a cast and crew of over 90 people, the audiences were enthralled with the professional theatrics of the company! Special thanks to Randy Walker for coming out to all the HTC productions this year and snapping photos. Get your own pics here: https://randywalker.smugmug.com/
April 2024
Grand March: The Golden Age of Hollywood
Another very successful Grand March was hosted by the performing arts boosters. Over $1100 was raised for students scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year! Thank you to everyone who attended.
March 2024
Highland Music Mattress Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who supported the Highland Music Department Mattress Fundraiser. We were able to raise $6950 for our three department booster organizations!
February 2024
ISSMA State Solo/Ensemble Results
Congratulations to all the members of the choir program who participated in State Contest this year. Of the 28 events between the HS and MS, 26 received gold medals with 7 Gold with Distinction (10.5 or better score) and 3 with perfect scores. See the results at right! S=Silver; G=Gold; GwD = Gold with Distinction; GwD+ = Gold with Distinction with a Perfect Score.

January 2024
ISSMA Solo/Ensemble 2024
It was another great day for Highland School's choral program at ISSMA Solo/Ensemble Contest. HMS walked away with five Silver medals and 16 gold medals with two perfect scores for Taylor Thompson solo and the Addy Figueroa ensemble. HHS performed equally well with 14 Silver Medals and 29 gold medals with four perfect scores for Grace Gorsich, Kayla DuPuy, Tommy Bloomer and Eamon Colglazier. HMS sends three soloists to state in three weeks and HHS send 21 solos and 5 ensembles to State Contest. Congrats to everyone!
December 2023
Madrigal Feaste is Magical Success
Congratulations to the cast and crew of this year's Madrigal Feaste. Over 250 guests were served a delicious meal of beef roulade, roasted chicken leg and festive sides while being entertained by the cast of the Madrigal Play, Bob Bados a Pirates Tale and the Varsity or Madrigal Choir. The Processional was followed by wassail toasts and the traditional procession of the Boar's Head. The audience enjoyed every moment and Sir Dibley was saved from a sugar crash once again. Varsity Choir sang dulcet tones and the ReMarkables finished the night with a beautiful and warm rendition of the classic Silent Night.
September 2023
Congratulations to the cast of Bob Bados, A Pirates Tale, this year's Madrigal Play!
May 2023
Vocal and Theatre Awards Banquet
Congratulations to the Vocal and Theatre programs and all of the awards presented to talented students. Included in the celebration were the soon to be HHS 2023 Graduates. A meal catered by Jimboos of Lansing was served before the festivities started. Almost $10,000 in scholarships were presented to deserving seniors. Outstanding Singer recognitions were presented to choir students and performance awards were presented to deserving volunteer theatre students. The Fred Waring Award was presented to senior Elise Hibbard and the National School Choral Award was presented to seniors Wilfred Akanbi and Alex Schmidt. Mr. Markley, urged students to use their skills learned in choir and theatre, listen to their present circumstances to plan for their futures. He also reminded them that their past experiences with their teachers in these programs would stick with them for life. Congratulations to all recipients and the 2023 Graduating Class of Theatre and Vocal Students!
Princess Tea
Members of the cast of Beauty and the Beast were joined by Princesses from Region Royalty to present Belle's Enchanted Princess Tea on Saturday, May 6th as part of the weekend of Disney at HHS. Over 130 guests attend the event with over 50 young children who were able to meet Moana, Snow White, Elsa, Rapunzel, Ariel and Belle and friends. Special crafts were created and special snacks were enjoyed by all. Thank you to all those who donated craft items and snacks as well as their time to set up, strike and perform! A raffle was also held in conjunction with the tea and performance - Congratulations to Marilys Santana of Valpo who was the recipient of a number of raffle items including four free tickets to future HTC shows as well as a beautiful child-size Belle ballgown.
May 2023
April 2023
Grand March
Congratulations to all the beautifully dressed students of Highland High School who held their annual Prom on Saturday, April 30th with the pre-prom event, Grand March. Spectators coming to see the students in their finest attire, donated a nominal amount at the door to help raise funds for student scholarship. The Boosters report that over $1200 was raised. The funds will be applied to next school year's scholarship funding. Thank you one and all!
Highland Music D'prt Mattress Fundraiser Nets Big
Thank you to all of those that helped with our annual Highland Music Department Mattress Sale. The three departments earned $11,385. Thank you to all those students and parents who help spread the word by sharing the Mattress Survey and sharing the sale info on their social media platforms. We can't do an event like this without your help! HPABi earn @$3800 from the sale with the remainder divided between the Band, Orchestra and prizes for students!
March 2023
February 2023
Highland Scores Big at ISSMA State Solo/Ensemble Contest
On Saturday, February 18th, over 30 members of the Highland MS and HS Choir traveled to Indianpolis' Perry Meridian High School to State Solo/Ensemble Contest. All those involved had an amazing day. Of the 25 events - ALL 25 received Gold Medals with 14 of the 25 receiving Gold Medals with Distinction. And seven of those events received PERFECT SCORES including HMS Soloists Aden Nelson & Martiza Aguilar. Highland HS soloists receiving Perfect Scores include: Grace Gorsich, Elise Hibbard, Krista Jacob and Olivia Thomas and the Karulski Barbershop impressed with their rendition of Sentimental Gentlemen which also received a perfect score. Receiving a Gold Medal with Distinction was the Hibbard Ensemble singing Gospel Train (picture at left).
ISSMA District Vocal Solo and Ensmble Contest Results
Congratulations to all the choir members who participated in ISSMA Vocal S/E Contest at Munster High School on Saturday, Feb. 4th! In all, Highland Choirs were rewarded for their efforts with 16 Silver Medals and 43 Golds. The MS had 4 Silver and 16 Gold medals with two perfect scores for the Enstrom Ensemble and Aden Nelson. The HS had 12 Silver and 27 Gold medals. Traveling to State Contest on Feb. 18th from the MS will be Aden Nelson, Martiza Aguilar and Kennedy Stephens. From the HS will be the Havlin Ensemble, Hibbard Ensemble, Jacobs Ensemble, Karulski Ensemble (video on the right), and the Markus Ensemble. Soloists from the HS include: Wildred Akanbi, Eamon Colglazier, Kayla DuPuy, Grace Gorsich, Kayla Guajardo, Elise Hibbard, Krista Jacob, Madison Karulski, Reis Maldonado, McKenzie Markus, Bea McGee, Annalyse Miranda, Madison Pischner, Alex Schmidt, Cameran Stewart, Olivia Thomas, and Brynne Widiger. Congratulations to everyone!
February 2023
February/March 2023
Highland Mattress Fundraiser
Come join us on Saturday, March 11th from 10AM until 5PM in the HS Fieldhouse for our annual Mattress Fundraiser to support the Performing Arts Department. Mattress, box springs, pillows, sheets, and adjustable bases are all on sale and the purchase of any will earn rewards for the choral department.
January 2023
Mr. Joel Stoppenhagen
Please welcome Mr. Joel Stoppenhagen! He will be student teaching with Mr. Markley and taking over teaching responsibilities following ISSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest of the MS and HS Choirs. He will be leading the March MS and HS Choir concerts and well as participating in some of the Spring Events. An Indiana native, Joel will be finishing his Bachelor of Music Education degree at Valparaiso University this fall.
December 2022
FOP Shop with a Cop
Many thanks to the families and friends that donated to the collection at the Service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 4th. The church padded the donation a bit and we were able to donate $500 to the Highland FOP Cops and Kids (Shop with a Cop) program!