
Sponsorship & Ads

Choir Sponsorship

Your ad is printed in over 2000 playbills and circulated to attendees of multiple choral performances throughout the school year.

Platinum Level Sponsor* -$200 – Back Cover or inside cover in COLOR (8.5×5.5).

Diamond Level Sponsor – $150 – Full Page Ad (8.5×5.5).

Gold Level Sponsor– $75 – Half Page Ad (4.75 x 5.5).

Silver Level Sponsor-$50 – Business Card Size Ad.

Bronze Level Sponsor – $25 – Business Listing as “Patron of the Arts”.

*Rear, inside rear, and inside front cover are first come, first served

(Ad sizes above include appropriate margins)

Again this year we offer Student Sponsorships.  At ANY donation level, you may choose to sponsor a specific student and a portion of the donation will go directly to that student to help defray the costs of various events. Additionally, if you donate at a Half or Full Page Ad we will include a sponsorship line similar to:

Your Business is sponsoring Jane Doe’s trip to Walt Disney World!”

(Want to be a student sponsor but don’t know a student at Highland High School?  Contact Mr. Markley at 219-922-5610 or 

Purchase Sponsorship